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Terminal Tackle

Fishing hooks and terminal tackle are an essential part of the anglers gear. Fishing hooks are the sharp metal hooks that attach to the end of the fishing line and are used to catch fish. They come in many different sizes and styles, each designed for a specific type of fishing. Terminal tackle are items used to attach the hook to the line, such as sinkers, swivels, and snaps. These items also come in a variety of sizes and styles to best suit the particular type of fishing that the angler is doing.

The size and shape of the hook will determine the type of fish it is best suited to catch. For example, a circular hook is best for catching small fish, while a longer hook is better for catching larger fish. The size and shape of the hook will also affect how the fish will hit the hook. Some hooks are designed to catch the fish by snagging, while others are designed to be more of a lure.

Terminal tackle helps the hook to be securely attached to the line and also helps the angler to cast the line further. Sinkers, swivels, and snaps are all important pieces of terminal tackle, and they come in a variety of styles and